The AKERON HEAT family brings together our solutions around heat pumps. It is made up of AKERON HEAT Full Inverter pumps for private pools (up to 155 m³), AKERON HEAT MAX Full Inverter for collective pools and the AKERON Mini in On/Off for small pools (up to 25 m³ ). AKERON HEAT solutions combine exceptional performance, amazing silence and simple and clean design.
Quality and performance
Thanks to its energy performance due to a real Full-Inverter and electronic management of step by step developed only for the AKERON HEAT MAX swimming pool heat pumps with savings of up to 35% compared to an ON/OFF pump. Sound insulation of the various components coupled with the Full Inverter system makes it possible to obtain a exceptional silence. AKERON HEAT MAX benefits from a intuitive piloting and easy that can be managed remotely by Wireless.
As of March 10, 2021, there are new regulations to apply for hygiene certificates and health quality certificates from the National Institute of Public Health of the National Institute of Public Health PZH – National Research Institute and new models of applications for hygiene and health quality certificates.
Our AKERON HEAT MAX heat pumps have this Polish NIZP ATEST PIB certification.